Turkey Hunting Guides & Outfitters in Texas, Illinois, Kansas, Alabama, Missouri, Nebraska, & more

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SELECT st.state_name AS 'Location', COUNT(DISTINCT(oh.outfitterid)) AS '#_of_Outfitters', COUNT(*) AS '#_of_Hunts', ROUND((AVG(oh.hunt_minprice) + AVG(oh.hunt_maxprice)) / 2) AS 'Average_Cost', oh.hunt_state AS 'state_id' FROM species sp JOIN outfitters_hunts as oh ON sp.id = oh.hunt_species JOIN outfitters as of ON oh.outfitterid = of.id JOIN states AS st ON st.id = oh.hunt_state WHERE sp.id = 24 AND oh.hunt_weapon = 0 AND oh.enabled = 1 AND of.enabled = 1 GROUP BY st.id ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10