New Mexico Hunting Guides and Outfitters Guides - Elk, Mule Deer, & Antelope Hunting

New Mexico Hunting Guides and Outfitters


Find and Book a Hunting Trip with Professional, Pre-Screened New Mexico Hunting Guides / Outfitters.

New Mexico Hunting

In addition to Rocky Mountain Elk hunting in New Mexico, our outfitters and guides offer Bighorn Sheep, Mule Deer, Coues Whitetail Deer, Antelope, Black Bear, and Mountain Lions hunts, plus a variety of upland game, turkeys and waterfowl hunting adventures. Also, free ranging Oryx offers hunters a unique hunting experience. There are plenty of professional, experienced big game hunting outfitters in New Mexico to assure your hunt is safe and successful. We'll help you find a professional New Mexico Hunting Guide / Outfitter for your next hunt, simply click Find A Hunt or select a gun or bow below after reviewing the New Mexico Hunting information.

New Mexico Hunting Summary

New Mexico has no preference or bonus point system that provides better future draw odds for applicants who are unsuccessful in the current and past draws. The good news for those hunters who are applying for the first time in New Mexico is that all applicants are on equal footing. Since New Mexico issues transferable landowner tags for deer, elk, and antelope, if you fail to draw you can still make arrangements to hunt. Landowner antelope tags are the key to book buck antelope in New Mexico. New Mexico probably takes as many or more book antelope each year as any other western state. Legal weapons for big game hunting are bow, muzzleloader, and rifle.

New Mexico Hunts

Select the desired species & weapon below and click "Go"

New Mexico Elk Hunts

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New Mexico Mule Deer Hunts

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New Mexico Antelope Hunts

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Spotlight New Mexico Outfitter

Ridgeline Outfitters LLC

Guiding hunters to trophy class animals is our business and our promise to you. A quality hunt is the only option.

We offer archery, muzzleloader, and rifle hunts in Arizona and New Mexico for Elk, Mule Deer, Couse Whitetail, and Antelope. All hunts are fair chase and take place on public and private land. We hunt only the high quality areas where the hunter has the capability of taking a quality animal.

New Mexico has excellent opportunities at trophy Elk, Mule Deer, and Antelope. So let us apply you for these quality hunts by putting you into the public draw in New Mexico, since they do not have a bonus point system. You will be put in a separate drawing pool which increases your odds of drawing one of these quality tags. We can also apply you for Arizona hunts. Unfortunately, Arizona does not have this separate drawing pool but they do have a bonus point system, folks these tags are surely worth the wait. We offer fully guided or guide only hunts for all species.

New Mexico offers great opportunities for the mobility impaired hunter for Elk and Antelope. We can apply any hunter that qualifies for these hunts. So give us a call about these special hunts.

Arizona is the premier state for western big game hunting. Although tags are hard to draw the hunter is surly in for the hunt of a life time. We are now booking for private ranch hunts for elk, deer, and antelope in New Mexico. We also have available unit wide tags for Elk in high quality units. All of these tags private or unit wide are guaranteed hunts. We can book a year in advance for anyone of these tags. Give us call availability is limited.

For more information, you can request a brochure by sending us an email.

Species Offered

Deer - Coues
Deer - Mule

For ALL Big Game, Waterfowl, Upland Bird, Varmint, and Small Game Hunts, visit Find A Hunt

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